Friday, July 28, 2006


Lying back.
Originally uploaded by Mutant Cat.
This is me, earlier today. I thought it was about time I put up a photo of myself that was newer than 30 years old. It's a self portrait, taken by sticking the camera out in front of me and snapping. Altered a little with my friend Photoshop.


Anonymous said...

Love the technical explanation of how the shot was accomplished. So what changes did you make in P'shop? The removal boils perhaps?

Anonymous said...

I was kidding about the boils.

I have a serious question for you: Do you think I have an inflammatory manner? Or is it obvious I'm just fooling around?

Michelle said...

I don't think so, you're just the tiniest bit silly on occasion, but not inflammatory.

Anonymous said...

Is that good or bad? This is deadly serious as I'm having a major 'what the fuck am I doing on the Internet' crisis. You ever get that feeling that no one takes you seriously, and those who do comment are just going through the motions in an attempt to keep you sweet and thereby comment on their blog?

Now I know for sure there's something fucking wrong as I'm holding a personal conversation in fucking public.

It could be me 'ormones though. You see? I'm being fucking silly again. Oh bollocks!

Anonymous said...

I almost forgot, you love compliments. In fact, I always forget these days cos I'm so far up my own arse. Anyway, here goes:that's a good pic; you are one helluva sexy lady. How's that?

Michelle said...

It passes:)

Anonymous said...

That'll do me. I never expected a lot from you anyway. Never did figure out what the 'unspecified demands' were :-)