Wednesday, November 29, 2006



My back.


Anonymous said...

I've never known what you wanted from your readers/viewers. I sometimes think all you seek is a 'following'; a vast quantity of admirers who's comments were largely irrelevant as long as they weren't derogatory. So simply saying 'hi', 'nice pic', or 'great tits' will suffice.

And then, there have been times when I've thought, no, no one is really like that. There has to be more depth. And so I sought to put some effort into my comments, trying to be different, but relevant. It was an attempt to connect. It failed. Hence my frustration with you. But no matter.

The conclusion? It's me. I ask to damn much of this godforsaken medium we call the Internet. I ought to chill out and not take it too seriously. I'm trying.

Okay, soul-searching over, what to do about this pic? Do you want an inconsequential opinion of the shot as Art? Or are you only after a more basic sort of approval, a kind of low, gutteral grunt, implying 'cor you're a bit of all right!'? Maybe I'll do both.

Purely as a pic the subject is perfect, with the light picking up on your subtle musculature. But I would have (using p'shop) taken out the distracting bed.

No matter if I assess you as a 33 year old or an 18 year old, you pose like that and you become a goddess. Who can fault your physical beauty? To reiterate, 'cor, you're a bit of alright!'.

Say what you like about me, but you always get value for money in the comments.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention, I see I'm no longer a 'friend' in flickr. Have I been relegated by you or is that down to my past hissy fits? Now I no longer have that status I feel I'm missing something. Any chance of being re-instated? Cheers!

How's that for a SPECIFIC demand?