Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ah, the bath.

My leg
Originally uploaded by Ms Kat.
This is an old photo from months ago, before I moved to my current flat. I'm glad I moved, I'm quite happy where I am, I don't share with anyone, and it's a nice comfortable flat. I don't have a bath anymore though. I actually prefer the shower for day to day cleaning needs, but sometimes I feel I'd like to get in the bath, and wallow in it luxuriously.. oh well, can't have everything.


Ronald said...

I can't believe you actually bathe. I always thought you floated around, serene, pure, and smelling of roses. It's funny how you perceive people, don't you think?

Jennifer Wertkin said...

Lovely leg!!! I have a bath in this apartment but have gone without many times. And living alone beats a bath any day!!1